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Rights of Passengers with Reduced Mobility

Latest update January 2019


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ERA’s Current Position

ERA  and  its  member  airlines  support  the  rights  of  passengers  with  reduced  mobility.    However, the rights of PRMs (as is the case with all passengers) must at all times not impose on the safety of the aircraft and its operation.


Latest update 09/01/2019: A workshop focussing on the subject of PRM Charges was held in Brussels on 9 February 2019.  Although Regulation EC1107/2006 provides the industry with guidance on people with disabilities, PRM Charges are not mandatory.  Additionally, ECAC Doc 30 Part 1 ‘ECAC Policy Statement in the Field of Civil Aviation Facilitation’ ECAC Doc 30 Pt1 has no provision for PRM charges.  For a summary of the workshop please refer to the downloads section.  The workshop brought together over sixty representatives from various industry stakeholders to discuss the issue of PRM services provided by airlines and airports alike and the cost to the industry.