EUROCONTROL Network Manager Weather Workshop 2025

EUROCONTROL Network Manager Weather Workshop 2025
24 March 2024: Last summer, 21 July 2024 was a particularly disruptive day in terms of weather-related delays, posing significant challenges for the whole European aviation network. For ERA members, the impact was clear:
- 18,234 minutes of total ATFM delays – a 179.8% increase on 2023.
- 7,182 minutes of en-route delay due to weather.
- First rotation performed well, with punctuality over 82%, but weather disruptions triggered knock-on (reactionary) delays, leading to the worst punctuality figures by the end of the day.
At yesterday’s EUROCONTROL Weather Workshop, key stakeholders came together to analyse this critical day and discuss how to improve resilience against severe weather. This unique workshop format prioritised direct discussions between all stakeholders – which is of vital importance when addressing operational challenges. Open, operationally-focused exchanges like this help bridge gaps between different perspectives and lead to a more resilient network. As we prepare for what is expected to be a challenging summer 2025, the industry must ensure that these conversations don’t stop here but translate into concrete, collaborative actions.
ERA remains committed to working alongside all stakeholders to drive solutions that make a real difference for ERA airlines and the wider network. The presentations used during the workshop are attached for further reference.