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EC public consultation on 2014 Aviation Guidelines Published
Council adopts general approach to Passenger Mobility PackagePublished
21st Plenary meeting of EC Thessaloniki Forum Published
Transport and Tourism Commissioner Tzitzikostas confirmed by the TRAN Committee Published
EC consults on Passenger Name Records DirectivePublished
High-level meeting on EES rolloutPublished
European Commission proposes EU digital travel applicationPublished
Mario Draghi publishes report on the future of European competitivenessPublished
Ursula Von der Leyen shares political guidelinesPublished
EC adopts new Interpretative Guidelines on EU261 and PRMsPublished
European Parliament holds first plenary sessionPublished
ERA meets with CAAs at ECAC Plenary (Triennia) SessionPublished
EC report on current trends and issues in EU transportPublished
EU leaders come up with a deal for top jobsPublished
Council progress report on EC multimodal passenger rights proposalPublished
EU election resultsPublished
PNR agreement between the EU and Canada Published
ECAC holds seventh Environmental ForumPublished
FSR summer school on transport regulationPublished
US DoT requires automatic refunds to consumersPublished
EC Fitness Check on airport regulationsPublished
Joint European airline position on recent ADR developmentsPublished
Romania and Bulgaria officially join Schengen areaPublished
ERA Board meets with Magda Kopczyńska of DG MOVEPublished
API agreement between European Council and ParliamentPublished
ERA provides perspective on PSOs at CPRM transport working groupPublished
IMCO Committee adopts its position on ADRPublished
FSR and DG MOVE joint conference on EU transport policyPublished
Finnish Government calls for balance on passengers rightsPublished
EC stakeholder consultation on revised EU261 and PRM interpretative guidelinesPublished
European Commission adopts Passenger Mobility PackagePublished
Transport Commissioner calls for standardisation of hand luggagePublished
ERA welcomes suspension of reduced movements at Schiphol AirportPublished
IMCO Committee study on the Package Travel DirectivePublished
New Tourism Manifesto in progress Published
EU Council endorses postponement of ETIASPublished
EP resolution on uniform standards for airline carry-on luggagePublished
EU ministers sign the Barcelona DeclarationPublished
DG GROW Together for EU Tourism stakeholder meetingPublished
European Commission proposes negotiations on PNR data agreements Published
Amsterdam Schiphol Airport movement reductionsPublished
Industry feedback on the revision of the visa suspension mechanismPublished
PNR letter to Commissioner Ylva JohanssonPublished
EC positive decision on the prolongation of operating aids for regional airportsPublished
LIBE Committee draft its first opinion on API proposalPublished
ERA working group on PSOs and thin commercial routesPublished
Industry statement on slot regulationsPublished
DG MOVE stakeholders’ workshop on MDMSPublished
New McKinsey study on regional air mobilityPublished
ERA discusses API proposals and opinion draft with rapporteurPublished
NATO Air Defender 2023Published
ERA workshop on ASR revision and essential air connectivityPublished
Belgian CAA stakeholder consultation meetingPublished
EC consultation – prolongation of state aid rules to regional airportsPublished
DG MOVE workshop on the Slots Regulation reviewPublished
API workshop with Commission representativesPublished
ERA response to European Commission survey on APIPublished
Minutes of EC MDMS public workshop availablePublished
EC fine tunes policy options for MDMSPublished
EC launches Import Control System 2 (ICS2)Published
Florence School of Regulation’s Forum on multimodal ticketingPublished
ERA letter to Transport CommissionerPublished
EC releases MPMF final report Published
New Code of Conduct on data sharing in tourismPublished
ERA passenger rights webinarPublished
Impact assessment on the review of the Slots regulationPublished

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