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Industry Consultation Body (ICB)

Latest update 14 August 2020


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The Industry Consultation Body (ICB) was established under Article 6 of Regulation 549/2004, the SES Framework Regulation, with the strong support of all industry stakeholders. The group provides position papers and gives technical advice to the European Commission on the implementation of SES initiatives and legislation. It is an important mechanism for the definition of the future SES strategy and its implementation, and in 2014 the ICB produced the 'ICB Vision and Strategy' which was agreed by all members. It is an opportunity for all parts of industry (airspace users, ANSPs, airports, manufacturers, professional staff associations) to inform the European Commission what they expect from the Single European Sky and to give their views on SES initiatives through a proactive approach. The Commission aims to use the advice of the ICB to steer not only legislative initiatives, but also the standardisation, research and infrastructure investments of the Commission. ERA is an enthusiastic member of the ICB and attends plenary meetings and agenda specific sub-committee meetings throughout the year. ERA plays an active role promoting the views, opinions and needs of members and the airspace user community and has, through the ICB, reinforced opinions concerning important issues such as the ATM Master Plan and SESAR Deployment, communication, navigation and surveillance.


This most recent position paper (please see the download section), which has just been approved by ICB members and the chair team, presents industry’s views on the main challenges to efficient industrialisation, along with a set of principles and recommendations for improvements in order to guide the European Commission o their proposal for reform of the Single European Sky.

Stakeholders’ resilience and survival depend on how well prepared the sector is to face future crises and challenges, building in the required scalability and adaptability to its business models, and requiring changes to the architecture and enabling concepts. The massive challenges arising from the covid-19 pandemic have opened up discussions away from “business as usual”, providing opportunities to explore the future and ensure industrialisation is being conducted as efficiently as possible.

The paper provides 10 recommendations across 3 primary principles:

  • Greater clarity required on concept maturity and evidence necessary for industrialisation
  • Ownership and accountability for industrialisation must be defined
  • Understanding effective implementation mechanisms

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