Memorandum of co-operation between ERA and the RAA

Memorandum of co-operation between ERA and the RAA
Tuesday 13 May 2014 saw the landmark signing of the joint associations' Memorandum of Cooperation between the ERA and the US Regional Airline Association in St Louis, Missouri. Signed by ERA’s President Boet Kreiken and the RAA Chair Brad Holt, the agreement is the start of a closer working relationship between the two associations, both of which have many similarities and common issues affecting regional aviation.
ERA (European Regions Airline Association) represents 50 airlines operating in Europe and the Regional Airline Association (RAA) represents 28 airlines operating in North America. Collectively, ERA and RAA bring together 80 airlines carrying over 200 million passengers on routes across Europe and North America.
The airline members of both associations face similar operational, safety, security, cost efficiency, finance, airport, ATC and maintenance challenges associated with operating smaller aircraft on shorter haul routes. Many members face the similar challenges of supplying capacity to major airlines. Our airline members work with the same OEM aircraft and engine manufacturers and equipment suppliers. Finally, a major part of both associations' work is to raise the profile of this vital sector in feeding hubs and linking regions in both North America and Europe.
Areas of co-operation
This memorandum of cooperation recognises the global nature of regional operations, the power of collective action by both associations, and the common challenges and areas of activity that both associations are involved in on behalf of their respective members. It commits both associations to a closer working relationship for the benefit of both associations’ members and their key stakeholders including passengers, employees, society and shareholders.
Specific areas of co-operation will include:
- Mutual involvement in the annual major convention/conference of each association so as to raise the profile and understanding of the activities of each association in Europe and North America.
- Exchange of information and, where possible, direct involvement at an expert level in the work of each association on operations, maintenance, aero-political, security and safety issues.
- Joint communications and PR work to raise the profile, importance and influence of regional operators and operations in each continent.
- Exchange of intelligence and proposed developments by US and European regulators that may have an influence of the operations of either association’s members.
- Regular contact between the heads of both associations and the possibility of regular joint board and/or working group meetings.
This memorandum of cooperation brings closer together the world's two major representative organisations of regional operators and demonstrates the global and international nature of regional airline operations.