Contact Details:
PO Box 213
6331 Hunenberg
+41 41 210 4141
Official Website
PO Box 213
6331 Hunenberg
+41 41 210 4141
Official Website
Print details is a globally-acting group of aviation companies with Swiss roots. Its business operations are recognised for innovation, professionalism and service. We are focussed on helping aviation companies to create new strategies for growth and secure their business. is headquartered 30 kilometres south of Zurich in the canton of Zug, Switzerland. Under the umbrella of groWING Holding Ltd., groWING of Switzerland Llc. and groWING Aviation Partners Llc., as well as groWING Europe SRL in Bucharest, Romania, are consolidated. The qualifications of its staff range from maintenance planning coordinators and engineering personnel to business consultants for technical, operational and commercial aspects. offers:
- Risk management: groWING is the right partner for protecting your aviation assets before, during and in-between leases.
- Design engineering: The ‘HOW’ can make a huge difference in cost for any modification.
- Aviation auditing and consulting: Lean management doesn’t necessarily mean less resources, but less cost.
- Continuous Airworthiness Management: Doing the right thing and at the right time.
- Aviation legislation training: Legislation is changing constantly – be ahead of it.
- Phase-in and - out: phase-in and out projects need an experienced workforce onsite, with a fast and reliable back office supporting the onsite team.