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EASA Regulation

Together with the European Commission, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) is responsible for EU technical legislation and implementation material related to the regulation of civil aviation safety, maintenance, operational and environmental activities. ERA works closely with EASA across a number of activities and is represented at EASA’s Stakeholder Advisory Board (SAB) and various other technical sub groups.

EASA regularly issues consultations and Notices of Proposed Amendment (NPA) to regulations for which ERA, if appropriate, submits consolidated responses on behalf of members.

EASA recently published its official Opinion of the review of its own basic regulation. The next steps will involve consultation and endorsement by the European Commission and Parliament before the amended regulation is introduced (expected by Q2 2017). The Opinion is available via the downloads button on this page.

After extensive consultation, the airspace user associations have produced a detailed lobbying paper detailing those proposals in the revision of the Basic Regulation that should be supported and those that should be rejected. You can download this paper from the download section.


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