European Parliament report on electric aviation adopted

European Parliament report on electric aviation adopted
23 January 2024: The report on electric aviation led by MEP Erik Bergkvist was adopted by the European Parliament during last week’s plenary sessions, with 414 votes to 118 and 93 abstentions.
The report highlights the need for more targeted public funding by European Union agencies and initiatives to help fund innovation and bring electric aviation products to market and develop the appropriate ground infrastructure to support this emerging sectors.
ERA welcomes this opportunity to support the development and deployment of new technologies and looks froward to further works ensuring electric aviation as the future of aviation.
9 January 2024: The European Parliament has published the final report on electric aviation ahead of the plenary vote scheduled in January. The report emphasises that this type of aircraft could become an optimal solution for urban and regional air mobility although various technological and regulatory complexities put a limit on the flying range of battery-electric aircraft.
The document also says that more flights within a ‘point-to-point’ network operated by smallerb electric planes could be offered. This is especially relevant considering the recent bans on short-haul domestic flights.
Finally, it highlights the need for EU actions and strategies to develop and deploy a new generation of aircraft and address the challenges and opportunities of regional airports in relation to the emerging electric aviation.
The report stresses the opportunity for the aviation sector to partner with other industries to secure enough green electricity and to support their infrastructure needs.
12 December 2023: The General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) co-hosted a round-table event on electric aviation at the European Parliament in Brussels together with the rapporteur, MEP Erik Bergkvist. The event showcased the breadth of ongoing developments and opportunities for electric aviation in Europe and facilitated discussions on what is needed to accelerate bringing these sustainable air mobility solutions to market for EU citizens.
The participants called for appropriate EU and member state financial frameworks to promote research, development and bring a range of electric aviation products to market, while building a resilient European supply chain for core components to ensure a swift uptake of new technologies. They also requested harmonisation of certification and electric charging standards for electric aviation with bilateral aviation partners around the globe to support the export of products.
Meanwhile, the TRAN Committee adopted the draft report on electric aviation – a solution for short- and mid-range flights.