ERA welcomes suspension of reduced movements at Schiphol Airport

ERA welcomes suspension of reduced movements at Schiphol Airport
15 November 2023: Yesterday, the Dutch caretaker government experimental regulation to reduce movements at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport was put on hold. This followed a meeting of the EU/US Special Committee meeting on 13 November, and a letter to Commissioner Vălean co-signed by ERA.
With the Dutch caretaker Government’s decision on 1 September to implement operating restrictions at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport (AMS), ERA and other industry associations sent a letter to Commission Vălean, expressing our main concerns about the decision and requesting a meeting to discuss the main elements regarding the lack of compliance with EU requirements.
The letter called on the European Commission to actively review the procedure submitted by the Dutch caretaker government, comment on the proposed ACNL rule and look to develop guidelines for a Balanced Approach Regulation implementation in the EU.
ERA is pleased to note that following a meeting of the EU/US Special Committee, on 14 November, the outgoing Dutch Minister of Infrastructure, Marc Harbers, announced that the plan has been suspended.
Work will continue on reducing noise pollution around Schiphol in accordance with Balanced Approach methodology.
To access the letter (locked for members only), please click here.
5 September 2023: Despite letters to the Tweede Kamer and cross-association support against the proposed movement reductions at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport, the Dutch government has moved ahead with plans to cap the number of flights next year.
On 1 September, the caretaker Dutch Government agreed to pursue a capacity reduction at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport to reduce noise, effective from Winter 2024.
ERA, alongside airline associations including A4A, IATA, EBAA and EEA had sent letters to both the Tweede Kamer and also issued a press release ahead of the decision being made, to highlight that whilst the matter remained before the courts, the proposed process was strongly opposed by the airline industry, particularly given that in a matter of a few months’ time the caretaker government would not be accountable for the consequences that may follow from the Schiphol decision. Disappointingly, our efforts were unsuccessful.
The measures announced are as follows:
- Using quieter equipment at night (between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m.).
- Further limiting the use of runways, which on balance lead to more noise pollution.
- Limiting the number of flights at night to 28,700 flight movements (this was a maximum of 32,000).
- Limiting the number of flights per year to 452,500 flight movements from 2024, with a ‘temporary’ capacity reduction to 460,000 for the Summer 2024 season.
The Dutch cabinet will now submit the plan to the European Commission, which has to provide its opinion in order to implement the measures. After receiving this advice, the cabinet can make a final decision.
ERA will continue to lobby and advocate that the Balanced Approach principles are respected.
To view the ERA press release click here.
The joint letter sent to the Tweede Kamer can be found here.