European Commission proposes negotiations on PNR data agreements

European Commission proposes negotiations on PNR data agreements
18 September 2023: Earlier this month, the European Commission adopted recommendations to the Council for the opening of negotiations for agreements on Passenger Name Record (PNR) data transfer with Switzerland, Iceland and Norway.
The transfer of PNR data represents a major issue for air carriers because of its legal confusion. Indeed, this data is key for border security, and several third countries mandate the air carrier to transfer. However, the European Union does not apply the same legislation and only a few agreements with third countries have been reached on the topic. The agreements can set out the conditions for the transfer of PNR data to the authorities of the third countries while respecting the protection of data and fundamental rights.
ERA co-wrote a letter with other associations to Commissioner Ylva Johansson on the topic, and her response emphasised the Commission’s initiative to open negotiations with more countries on PNR data transfer. Further to this, at the beginning of September, the Commission adopted recommendations to the Council for the opening of negotiations on the transfer of PNR with three countries: Switzerland, Iceland and Norway. The negotiations represent a step forward to increase security in the Schengen Area.