Flight Emissions Label Regulation adopted by EC

Flight Emissions Label Regulation adopted by EC
14 January 2025: The European Commission has adopted a Regulation putting in place a Flight Emissions Label (FEL). Airlines that operate flights within the EU or depart from the EU can opt in to participate in the Flight Emissions Label, by submitting data to EASA by 1 February 2025.
Following several rounds of consultation and workshops, Implementing Regulation EU2024/3170, which lays down detailed provisions concerning the voluntary environmental labelling scheme for the estimation of the environmental performance of flight scheme (otherwise referred to as the Flight Emissions Label (FEL)) was adopted on 18 December.
This regulation is a key component of the ReFuelEU Aviation initiative, designed to offer a consistent approach when assessing the environmental impact of flights.
This label, which will be operational by July 2025, provides reliable method for calculating flight emissions. Airlines operating within or departing from the EU can voluntarily choose to join this initiative.
By 1 February 2025, ERA member airlines that operate flights within the EU or depart from the EU can opt-in to participate in the Flight Emissions Label.
To do so, they will need to submit the required data to EASA. The first flight labels will then be assigned by EASA by 1 July 2025, and will apply to flights scheduled during the 2025 winter season.
During the RefuelEU negotiations, policy makers highlighted that a lack of a standardised method for estimating flight emissions leads to inconsistent reporting by airlines and ticket sellers. The FEL looks to address this by establishing a transparent methodology that considers factors such as aircraft type, passenger numbers, freight volume and fuel used, supporting and promoting use of Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF).
By using actual consumption data, it is believed that it will also incentivise airlines to operate more efficiently and sustainably.
The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) will oversee the estimation of flight emissions using advanced international standards. This will ensure fair and harmonised emissions calculations based on recent performance data.
Member airlines wishing to receive further details with a view to opting in to the scheme can contact the EASA EU FEL team here.
In the top right corner, members only can still access relevant presentations and documentation from the workshops held last year.
Should members have any questions, please contact nick.rhodes@eraa.org