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MOVE/PRB RP4 technical meeting


Working paper 23 May.pdf
PRB Report.pdf
Steer Report.pdf

MOVE/PRB RP4 technical meeting

28 May 2024: Ahead of the publication of the Commission Implementing Decision on Union-wide performance targets for the fourth reference period (2025–2029), ERA participated in a technical workshop where new or revised indicators were presented by the Performance Review Body and DG MOVE. 

The performance and charging scheme is the regulatory instrument that enables the Commission to monitor and ensure the efficiency of air navigation services across the four key performance areas of safety, environment, capacity and cost efficiency.

The Performance Review Body (PRB) is tasked with assisting the Commission when defining the key performance indicators and indicators for monitoring with a view of being adopted during future reference periods.

Earlier this year, the European Commission contracted Steer to complete an independent review of the indicators as defined in 2019/317 in view of the fourth reference period (RP4).

ERA and its members provided input and feedback, highlighting our concerns, and making suggestions for new indicators specifically in the environmental and capacity areas.

The PRB has now reviewed the output from Steer, and a workshop was held on 23 May to discuss their recommendations and likely indicators to be adopted for the next reference period.

Existing indicators as used in RP3 are expected to remain, with some minor exceptions. 

ERA is pleased to see some new and revised indicator, in line with comments made to Steer. These include:


  • Enroute vertical flight efficiency
  • Continuous climb operations
  • Additional time in taxi in phase and excess fuel burn
  • Additional gate to gate CO2 emissions due to ATM and Network Constraints


  • Delay per delayed flight (more representative of delay impact on the Airspace user)
  • Sum of sector-opening hours reported to the Network Manager

Cost Efficiency

  • Cost per sector-opening hours

In the downloads section in the top right, members only can find the Steer report, the PRB report on indicators for monitoring performance in RP4, and the working paper which summarises the new and revised indicators.

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