Updates from latest SAGAS meeting

Updates from latest SAGAS meeting
9 December 2024: The 115th meeting of the Stakeholder Advisory Group for Aviation Security (SAGAS) was held in Brussels on 28 November, with ERA represented by Rose Marengo from ERA member security consultants LAM LHA.
The EU’s SAGAS is a formal consultation body that convenes about four times a year. Its members include the European Commission (DG-MOVE), Member State representatives, and industry security experts.
During SAGAS115, discussions covered updates on air cargo security, cybersecurity, LAGs, AVSEC occurrence reporting and the Innovation Task Force.
In the download section at the top right, you can find the agenda, meeting notes by LAM LHA and all relevant papers and presentations.
Please note that these documents are restricted to members only.
In case of questions please contact rose.marengo@lamlha.com / nick.rhodes@eraa.org