EUROCONTROL’s Aviation Intelligence Unit and the Network Manager have produced several dashboards and information portals to provide insight on the current traffic situation across the EUROCONTROL area.
COVID-19 Impact Portal
Containing weekly Comprehensive Assessments, regular Data Snapshots, updated Traffic Scenarios and State Impact Factsheets, the EUROCONTROL COVID-19 Impact Portal is where you can find all the latest information and insights in the context of Air Traffic Management:
Daily Traffic Variation:
Providing traffic information based on received flight plan data at Network and EURCONTROL member states as well as for the largest airports; Area Control Centre (ACC); and for the main aircraft operators, the Daily Traffic Variation dashboard shows the evolution of the traffic demand across the EUROCONTROL area since the start of the pandemic:
Network Operations Portal
The Public Network Operations Portal contains the latest air traffic flow and capacity management (ATFCM) information from across the EUROCONTROL area. Under Network Headline News you can find daily updates to the COVID NOTAM Summary and the weekly Network Operations Rolling Seasonal Plan which gives a consolidated Network view of the expected evolution of traffic over the following six-week period: