Eddy Liegeois

European Commission (DG MOVE)
PositionHead of Unit – Aviation Policy, E.1
Eddy Liegeois
Eddy Liégeois has been the Head of the Aviation Policy unit since January 2025, in charge of EU policy to promote a competitive, connected and sustainable European aviation market for both air services and airport-related services.
From January 2021 to December 2024 Liégeois was Head of the Transport Networks unit, responsible for formulating policies and providing overall direction for the activities in the area of TEN-T projects and transport infrastructure development. He was acting Director of Investment, Innovative & Sustainable Transport Directorate (December 2023–November 2024).
Previously Liégeois was Head of the Road transport unit (2015–2020), Head of the Legal unit (2010–2015) and assistant to the Director General of DG MOVE (2005–2010).