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Destination 2050 - latest updates for members

Destination 2050 - latest updates for members

9 February 2022: Following publication of the Destination 2050 initiative last year, we update members on follow-up actions to the report, including the signing of the Toulouse Declaration and work on the investment needs study. The latest update is attached in the Downloads section for members only.

12 July 2021: Following publication of the Destination 2050 initiative, we update members on follow-up actions to the report, including recent meetings with key stakeholders, discussions on potential events and the formalisation of the European Aviation Sustainability Pact. The latest update is attached in the Downloads section for members only.

1 June 2021: Following publication of the Destination 2050 initiative, we update members on follow-up actions to the report, including recent meetings with key stakeholders, discussions on potential events and the formalisation of the European Aviation Sustainability Pact. The latest update is attached in the Downloads section for members only.

21 April 2021: Following publication of the Destination 2050 initiative, we update members on follow-up actions to the report, including recent meetings with key stakeholders, discussions on potential events and the formalisation of the European Aviation Sustainability Pact. The latest update is attached in the Downloads section for members only.

24 March 2021: Following publication of the Destination 2050 initiative, we update members on follow-up actions to the report, including recent technical meetings to discuss and answer questions regarding the technicalities of the report. The latest update is attached in the Downloads section for members only.

10 March 2021: Following publication of the recent Destination 2050 initiative, we update members on initial reactions to the report, as well follow-up lobbying actions being taken and next steps. An update is attached in the Downloads section for members only.