ERA maintains a close relationship with other key airline associations in order to share industry knowledge, common challenges and best practice. Read more below about ERA's work with other associations from around the globe.

ERA commits to IATA 25by2025 initiative
ERA is committed to IATA’s 25by2025 global initiative to change the gender balance within the aviation industry

Memorandum of co-operation between ERA and Flight Safety Foundation
ERA (European Regions Airline Association) has signed a Memorandum of Co-operation with the non-profit safety organis

Memorandum of understanding between ERA and CPMR
ERA has signed a memorandum of understanding with the CPMR (Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions), a group of in

Memorandum of co-operation between ERA and ARC
ERA has signed a memorandum of co-operation with ARC (Airport Regions Conference) which recognises the power of colle

ERA supports Women in Aviation and Aerospace Charter
ERA is an official supporting organisation of the Women in Aviation and Aerospace Charter.

Memorandum of co-operation between ERA and the EBAA
In February 2019, ERA signed a memorandum of co-operation with the EBAA (European Business Aviation A

Memorandum of co-operation between ERA and the RAA
Tuesday 13 May 2014 saw the landmark signing of the joint associations' Memorandum of Cooperation between the ERA and

Reciprocal agreement between ERA and Airlines UK
ERA has a reciprocal membership agreement with Airlines UK, whereby ERA is a member of Airlines UK, and Airlines UK i

Reciprocal agreement between ERA and DAA
ERA has a reciprocal membership agreement with the Danish Aviation Association (DAA), whereby ERA is a member of DAA,

Reciprocal agreement between ERA and Hermes
ERA has a reciprocal membership agreement with Hermes - Air Transport Organisation, whereby ERA is a member of Hermes

Reciprocal agreement between ERA and the Swedish Aviation Industry Group
ERA has a reciprocal membership agreement with the Swedish Aviation Industry Group, whereby ERA is a member of the Sw

Reciprocal agreement between ERA and the RABA Group
ERA has a reciprocal membership agreement with the UK Regional and Business Airports (RABA) Group, whereby ERA is a m