Being a member of ERA brings a range of benefits. See our membership information packs for more information on how ERA can help your business grow.
Naturally, the benefits of ERA membership differ as each company has different priorities and needs. Our members inform us, however, that the most common benefits include great networking opportunities, as well as being kept informed of impending issues and industry news.
Please click on the links below to download the membership information pack for your business type. For an informal discussion on membership benefits, please call our Business Development team on +44 (0)1276 856495.
Request further information about joining ERA

Any aircraft operator which carries on business (on a continuing basis) as an air carrier based principally in a Euro

If you are an aircraft/airframe or engine manufacturer please select this category.

Supplier membership is available to suppliers, dealers, traders and manufacturers of aeronautical materials, service

Aviation services
Aviation services membership is available to a person, company or organisation engaged in pursuits related to commerc